Fighting Government Overreach:

Private Citizen saw success in the Wisconsin Supreme Court, when the court denied the John Doe Special Prosecutor’s last-ditch attempt to save his secret dragnet and ordered him to notify the 159 targets of his secret warrants and subpoenas. These notices, which showed the over-breadth of the warrants issued for confidential electronic communications, shocked many groups like Wisconsin’s McIver Institute for violation of federal law protecting privacy of email communications.

Defending Against Political Targeting:

Private Citizen funded the defense of one of several conservative Montana legislators subject to aggressive political targeting by an out-of-control regulator. It also defended the suit at a jury trial and successfully convinced the judge not to remove the legislator from his seat, potentially saving the seats of eight similarly situated conservative legislators who had drawn the regulator’s attention. Our organization has also funded public records requests that have shown the regulator’s willingness to reveal private communications of conservatives to liberal reporters and union leaders.

Finding Judges Who Uphold the Rule of Law:

By funding a streamlined review of judicial candidates, Private Citizen is committed to ensuring judges who are appointed to courts across the country will adhere to the rule of law and uphold the Constitution.

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"Corrupt insiders are abusing the power of government to punish citizens who organize against them, and Private Citizen is here to identify and stop those abusers. For instance, our team was successful in shutting down the unconstitutional "John Doe" investigation into political groups in Wisconsin, which resulted in the termination of the state agency central to the investigation."

Eric O'Keefe
Director of Wisconsin Club for Growth, Vice President of Private Citizen